Deadly Activation


For each turn, the boundary will be closed by one side of the map with a blockchain confirmation, which can be done by anyone, including players and viewers. There is no additional fee for this action besides the gas cost. If a NFT is killed by the Boundary, the wallet that confirms the transaction will receive its Killing reward.

If there is no boundary activation in the previous turn, the current turn will include 2 sides of the map, one from the previous turn and one for the current turn.

Any NFTs standing in the Boundary, they will take 50 damages when the blockchain transaction is confirmed. So run inside the safe zone to increase your survival chances.

Similar to the Attack formula, the remaining HP from Boundary is calculated as:

HP(i)=HP(i1)(BoundaryDamageShield)HP(i) =HP(i-1) -(BoundaryDamage-Shield)


For each turn, a disaster can be activated with a fee that is set by the Organizers. The disaster will always hit a random NFT in the map and it has an area of 3x3. If a NFT is killed by the Disaster, the wallet that confirms the transaction will receive its Killing reward.

Unlike the Boundary, the number of the Disasters doesn’t accumulate each turn. It means that if there is no Disaster activated in the previous turn, there is still one Disaster that can be activated in the current turn.

Any NFTs in the Disaster area take 80 damages only when the blockchain transaction is confirmed. Similar to the Attack formula, the remaining HP from Disaster is calculated as:

HP(i)=HP(i1)(DisasterDamageShield)HP(i) =HP(i-1) -(DisasterDamage-Shield)

After the disaster damages NFTs inside the area, other NFTs can move into the range without being affected.

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